Paris / パリ
On that day, I was excited to visit Egypt exhibition of Louvre museum that I couldn’t see at previous time for it was under construction.
However, there was a long line at that place!😱 At previous time, I got ticket without online reservation, just by lined a while😢
But basically, the site says ‘Recommend strongly to buy online tickets!’ so lets plan it as next fun activity. 😅
Then my plan was changed for shopping.
At first, visited a Stationary shop and craft goods shop that I visited before. They have variety of unique items. If you love classic, this is high recommended shop!
The most interesting place is ‘Comptoir des abbayes’, food&goodies shop.
This has products that were made at abbeies in France only.
I was curious in medicine water posted in guide book, then bought it.
After I arrived to Japan, I used it when I ate too much or got a little sick.
The effect is… it will work, I feel, maybe it depends on persons though. I felt stomach get work well or get better from cold. It depends on your believing?! 😅
You may mind medicine aroma a little, but with mint aroma, so you will feel cool. Drink with a little sugar, its good to change your feeling fresh, I think!✨ FYI, the dessert of breakfast was berry&yogurt.
Well, my problem may be to eat too much…?😅
この日は午前中に前回、工事中で見れなかった、エジプト展を見るためにウキウキとルーブル美術館へ。ですが、現地にいってみると、なんと長蛇の列が!😱 前回はチケット予約しなくても、ちょっと並んだだけで買えたのに…。😢
興味深かったのはcomptoir des abbayesという食品&雑貨屋さん。
日本に着いてから、食べ過ぎた時とか、風邪ひきそうな時とか飲んでみました。効果は…ひとによるとは思いますが、個人的には効果あるように思います。腸が活発になるとか、風邪っぽいのがちょっと落ち着いたり。信じるのはアナタ次第?!😅 若干薬草の香りが気になるかもしれませんが、ミントの香りで清涼感があるので、少しのお砂糖と一緒に飲めば、気分リフレッシュにいいと思います!✨ ちなみに朝御飯のデザートはベリー&ヨーグルト。
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