Le Bon Marche / ボン・マルシェ百貨店 in Paris
Food corner of Le Bon Marche.
There were not only sweets but also ingredients for sweets.
The design of Tea sugar is very cute, like the Eiffel tower and rose!😍
Sugar for decoration has many varieties, like shining and colors.
The cookies and flours has many kinds, so it made me worry to choose!😆 About Chocolate, its expensive at chocolaterie, but its not expensive here, and you can find many types of qualities, tastes and thickness.👍 Then I found a flower water finally, that I had been looking for! This is used for Calissons d’Aix, it is very famous sweets in Provence, South France and made with almond powder and sugar, simple.
The flower water is not seen in Japan. Because there is no demand so much, maybe. 💦
This is for aroma but aroma is one of the important point about food, so if food has suitable aroma or not, it will be different thing that you expected. 😅
Too much into sweets, so I couldnt take photos well, sorry.😅 It will take 1hour soon to watch only this part at this store… For souvenir of Paris, this store will never disappoint you!✨
クッキーも小麦粉も種類が沢山ありすぎて迷う!😆 チョコレートも専門店は高いけど、ここなら品質も味も濃さも色々なタイプが安く買えます。👍 探していた念願のフラワーウォーターも発見! これはカリソン・デクス(南フランスのプロヴァンスで有名なお菓子でアーモンドパウダーとお砂糖だけのシンプルなお菓子)を作るための材料なのです。
香り付けに使います。でも香りって食べ物には大事な要素なので、あるとないとじゃ、全然別物になってしまうのです。😅 お菓子に夢中になりすぎて、写真がピンぼけしてます。すみません。😅 ここだけで1時間はあっという間に過ぎます…。 パリのお土産ならこのデパートはおすすめ!✨
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