西脇基金応援団 プレゼンツ Naoki Suzuki Pop Swing Orchestra
- 鈴木 直樹(クラリネット&サキソフォーン、バンドマスター / Clarinet and saxophone, bandmaster)
- 奥村 晶(トランペット / Trumpet)
- 竹内 悠馬(トランペット / Trumpet)
- 小松 悠人(トランペット / Trumpet)
- 三塚 知貴(トロンボーン / Trombone)
- 細貝 潤(トロンボーン / Trombone)
- 堀 英樹(ホルン / Horn)
- 鈴木 圭(アルトサックス / Alto saxophone)
- 大内 満春(テナー・サックス / Tenor saxophone)
- 宮崎 達也(バリトンサックス / Baritone sax)
- 田尻 かをり(ヴァイオリン / Violin)
- 上野 真理子(ヴァイオリン / Violin)
- 石川 寛子(ヴァイオリン / Violin)
- 西田けんたろう(ヴァイオリン / Violin)
- 中村 里子(ヴィオラ / Viola)
- 富永 佐恵子(チェロ / Cello)
- 田中 和音(ピアノ&編曲 / Piano & Arrangements)
- 大塚 義将(ベース / Base)
- 佐々木 章(ドラムス / Drums)
- 熊本 比呂志(パーカッション / Percussion)
- 青木 研(バンジョー&ギター / Banjo & Guitar)
- 宅間 善之(ビブラフォン / Vibraphone)
January 24th is the day I’ve been looking forward to for a long time: Nishiwaki Foundation Support Group presents a jazz concert, Naoki Suzuki Pop Swing Orchestra!
This time, I’ll be helping with rehearsals from the morning! It’s Fun♪
It’s not often you get to see behind the scenes of such a big concert, all the performers are great, and it’s a good cause for charity!
In the afternoon, other volunteers joined us to fold flyers. It was truly amazing to see so many volunteers come together and work so well as a team.
The concert was attended by a large number of guests and was a great success!
The total amount of money raised at the venue this time was 462,030 yen!
Thank you so much for your cooperation!
All the songs were wonderful!
Thanks to the kindness of the organizers, I was able to see the concert from the front row in the center!
I love the nostalgic yet somehow hopeful and passionate nature of this song, and the trumpet performance by Akira Okumura made the sound even purer and the melody even more beautiful!
The arrangement of the Southern All Stars Medley by piano player Kazune Tanaka was also wonderful! Even with an orchestral ensemble like this, the music was fun and groovy with the Southern feel!
The tango world of special guest Tokyo Sanfrecchas was also fascinating! Atsushi Yoshida’s solo violin “Jealousy” had beautiful high notes and a wonderful tone! But what surprised me the most was how tall Mr. Yoshida and Mr. Hayakawa on bandoneon were! They were as tall as basketball players, and I couldn’t help but look up at them.
I was also happy to hear Yoshiyuki Takuma on the vibraphone play the “Lupin III Theme! What an uplifting melody! The melody and tone were cool.
Yoshimasa Otsuka’s bass and Saeko Tominaga’s cello sounded beautiful, gentle, and sometimes passionate.
Akira Sasaki on drums was also powerful & Mitsuharu Ouchi’s tenor saxophone was cool and fun!
And clarinet by Naoki Suzuki! I always feel that a tone like Mr. Suzuki’s is so pure, beautiful, gentle, and wonderful that it is rare to find in the world. His expression is rich and sad or joyful, depending on the song! I think it is probably because they reflect the heart of Mr. Suzuki as it is.
The other performers were also wonderful, and the concert was filled with too much charm that I can’t write about it enough.
I found the stage manager was wearing a Le misérables staff T-shirt, and as musical lovers, I couldn’t leave it and asked him about it! To my surprise, he was a stage staff member of the Imperial Theatre Tokyo and manager of a man named Mitsuo Yoshihara, who played the leading role of Jean Valjean! We took a picture together!
I would also like to express my great respect to Mr. Hosoda and Mr. Suzuki for organizing this concert, and to Mr. Suzuki’s wife, Hiromi, who is managing the concert. It is really hard and amazing to manage a concert of this scale! And also Mr. Miyauchi, who supports the management of this Nishiwaki Fund. You all are wonderful for your thoughtfulness and energy.
All funds raised will be donated to the Nishiwaki Fund, with the exception of the minimal required expenses.
The Nishiwaki Fund will provide assistance to all children who wish to learn, regardless of their grades or background. No repayment is required. Due to the current size of the fund, the amount is only about one month’s living expenses, but the children who receive scholarships are said to become more positive and start working harder.
I was not good at studying at all when I was a student (probably still am), but I think the best time to start is when we want to learn by ourself, and that is when we can learn the most.
In today’s Japan, there is almost no environment where you can make a fresh start. So there are fewer challenges.
I think this system is very wrong.
No one is perfect, and the most important thing is the purpose of learning and how to apply what you have learned. The most important thing is the purpose of learning and how to apply what you have learned.
Good education and environment are really important to create a good society and future. And also great music and art. They are vitamins for the soul.
In fact, it would be great if the government would allocate money for such important things, not for a once-every-five-years event in Osaka or for elections, but we are not at that level yet, so please continue your cooperation to keep this fund going!
For the list of performers, please check above.
For more information, see the website below.
西脇基金応援団 プレゼンツ Naoki Suzuki Pop Swing Orchestra