Marche Bio Raspail / ラスパイユのビオ・マルシェ
Bio marche report part 2. 🛒
Not only food, but also there was flower shop so the market had many colors and people.
So many roses in France!🌹 In common, at the market in France, its not available to choose and pick up vegetables by ourselves, (at least, where I went, it was not available.💦) but I found a store that its available at this market! 👀
I don’t now why, maybe because of its service, there was a long line for purchasing. A lot of vegetable types, so I bought ingredients there.
A program about white asparagus that I watched in flight to France caught my tension so I got white asparagus that I expected. (In next posts later, Im going to report it. 👉) Visited soap&aroma shop then bought some soaps and aroma spray of rose.
Many varieties of aroma and everything is good fragrance.✨ Galette with suger had good buckwheat aroma and nice tastes. 💛
Shops that have organic products only, are allowed to open at this market, so I think the quality is selected carefully. Its worth to visit once!👍 FYI, you need to bring your own shopping bag. Its very useful to put a foldable one in your bag always.😊
フランスって本当にバラがいっぱい!🌹 一般的にフランスの市場では自分で野菜を選ぶのがNG(自分が訪れたところは少なくともそーだった。💦)なのですが、この市場では自分で選別して買える八百屋さんを発見! 👀
行きのフライトで見たホワイトアスパラガスの特集の影響もあり、念願のホワイトアスパラガスもゲット。(次回以降のポストでレポート予定。👉) それから石鹸&アロマのお店で石鹸とバラのアロマスプレーを購入。
香りも沢山あって、どれもいい香り。✨ ガレットはそば粉の香りがあって美味しい。💛 この市場はオーガニック商品でないと出店できないので、品質も厳選されていると思います。一度訪れる価値があり!👍 ちなみに買い物袋は持参する必要があります。折り畳み式のものを1つバッグにいつも入れておくと便利です。😊
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