Marche Bio Raspail / ラスパイユのビオ・マルシェ
After the breakfast, went to Bio marche that I had expected so much!✨ In fact, I didn’t know about this market untill when I came to the apartment, and was going to visit to another market near my apartment. But I asked the owner casually if she knows any recommendation at fist time we met, then she told about this Bio marche! Its always nice to try to ask if you wonder.😄 How is the original tastes of food in gourmet kingdom?! then I went adventure as a food lover.
Walked a little from the station, you can find stores looks market.
There was anything to eat anyway! Vegetable, meat and fish. Especially, the vegetable were very colorful and some looks not popular in Japan, so they caught my eyes.💕 At a honey shop, bought lavender honey and candies with 100% pure honey. Both were great very much, especially candies tastes so pure honey.🐝 The owner, an elder gentle man didn’t look business man but very lovely person.🙂 To be continued.
朝食の後は、楽しみにしていたビオ・マルシェに!✨ 実はここに来る前にはこの市場のことは全然知らなくて、アパートの近くの方に行ってみようと思っていたのですが、最初このアパートの管理者さんにおすすめの市場あります?って聞いたところ、このビオ・マルシェを教えてもらいました!何でも聞いてみるもんですね。😄 グルメ大国の素材の味はいかに?!という食を愛する者として、いざ、調査に向かう。
とにかく何でもある!野菜・お肉・魚。特に野菜がカラフルで日本ではあまり見かけないものもあって目移りしてしまいます。💕 はちみつのお店で、ラベンダーのはちみつとはちみつ100%キャンデーを購入。どっちも美味しかったです!特にキャンディーは本当に蜂蜜100%の味。🐝
お店のおじいさんが商売っ気が全然ないんだけど、とても愛らしい。🙂 後半に続く。
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