Le Bon Marche / ボン・マルシェ百貨店 in Paris
After visited Bio Marche, ate lunch at apart and I went to gourmet delicatessen.
This is Le Bon Marche and it is food area of the oldest department store in the world, they said.
I have been to this store before but I didn’t know this food area untill I heard from a local resident!💦 Went to inside, it was a real food paradise!
Everything looks fancy truly!😍 There were 2 shelves for water bottle only! Besides, the design of bottle is so cool and stylish. Oh, this is France!😲 There were variety of bottled and alcohol! Then each designs are pretty and have many colors.✨ This ‘M Minuty’ is a rose wine that a local resident recommended. I don’t drink so much but this is smooth taste and cool. Nice wine.😊 On the way to this store, I saw some police and they ride on horses!
I felt people in Europe live with horse daily, indeed, strongly.
このデパートには以前訪れたことがあるのですが、地元の方に教えていただくまで全然知らなかった!💦 中に入ると、そこはまさに食のパラダイス!全てがほんとにキラキラ輝いて見えました!😍 お水のボトルだけで棚が2つもある!しかもボトルがめちゃくちゃお洒落。さすがフランス…!😲 瓶詰めも、お酒も種類が豊富! そしてデザインも綺麗で豊富。✨ ちなみにこの「M Minuty」は地元の方おすすめのロゼワイン。あんまりお酒飲まないのですが、こちらはすっきり飲みやすいワインでした。美味しかったです。😊 このデパートに来る途中、フランスの警察官を見かけましたが、馬に乗ってる!
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