Midnight In Paris and Essays in Idleness / 徒然草とミッドナイト・イン・パリ


This is the continuation of last post.
At that time, when I remembered “Mononoaware”, it remined me “Tsureduregusa – Essays in Idleness”, a Japanese ancient essay, then I felt like reading it.

I might haven’t read this since I read this once, when I was a teenager. Basically, I’m not good at ancient Japanese language class, besides I’m not really good at memorizing. So as for me, the grammar conjugation looked like same verbs when I learned it.😅
However, I was interested in the sounds of sentence and the era and culture. But about the most popular books,

Genji monogatari→I don’t like dark and heavy love story.
Makuranososhi→I don’t like the author who looks like being proud of her intelligence too much.😝

likewise, because of these my prejudice, it makes me to away from reading them but I like collection of wisdom stories.
When I knew about Essays in Idleness at first was at a class in junior high school, I got same feeling with this book. Especially, I like how to understand nature and this philosophic taste very much. This paper book has present Japanese translation also and I read the present language of course. 😆
Then, a minutes later when I started to read, I found a story feel like “!” in my mind.

Story No. 22

About the first sentence, it means “I feel like missing old time about anything. This era looks luck of elegance in any case, anyway.”, then he continues that the ancient design of goodies look lovely and the words of letter in old era are better than present so far. Now the pronounce was changed and they cut words too much.

This is same as what ‘Midnight in Paris’ says!

Netfilix is here.

The main character believe 1920’s Paris is the best golden era. (I love Jazz and Oldies so I feel same very much.) He has nostalgic idea.
This movie’s director also write this scripts. So it can be said he is the director, himself.

Then an idea came up in my head. These two persons live in different era and country but they say same thing.

Essays in Idleness shows “Mononoaware”, what is called “awareness of impermanence” and the time is passing and changing so life is fleeting.
The main character says “The present is unsatisfied, because the life is unsatisfied.”

Besides, Essays in Idleness says also this;

Story No. 155 summery is “Time is passing by, momentary and changes come suddenly.”, and the red box part means “So if you want to success in anything of your religions event or life, don’t plan it, hesitate to do it. Don’t worry too much and stop your walking.”

The main character continues “If I ever wanna write something worth while after, you do  get to lose your illusion.”
After all, he means you are unsatisfied in present so you look past great. But the important thing is to live your life now and change it, I think.

The author of Essays in Idleness is Kenko Hoshi(Monk) , his another name is Kaneyoshi Urabe lived from 1283 to 1350, in Kamakura era and he was born in Kyoto, Japan and stayed in Kamakura and Kanazawa, Kanagawa prefecture for a long time.
On the other hand, the director of Midnight in Paris, Woody Allen was born in December 1st, 1935. He was born in New York, USA and grow up in New York. He has act in New York now.

These two persons live in different era and place at all. Their belief is different, too. Buddhism and Judaism. But they have similar idea of life.

It is said that there is European idea and Oriental idea in studying, and also in culture, the roots of ideas are categorized like this. So they don’t agree or they can’t understand each others because of the difference of cultures. But I have wonder often against this idea. In fact, the idea is quite different in Orient and Europe, but they are same creature, human. So what emotions they have and how they feel in basic are same, I think.

How to show is different but everyone must angry if someone makes fun of them and must be happy if someone says thank you to them.
The emotion in the base are same. in spite of it, it must not be impossible to understand each others.
In the world, there are may types of religions but their idea of base, what they look as important are same, I think.
So I believe to understand each other at first even though if they look different from you.

I felt internets in Essays in Idleness, when I read it again now. But I don’t agree with every author’s opinions and he shows different two idea for a one theme, it makes me feel contradiction often.
It is hesitate to say that I read afterword now, it says he wants to tell you should look at anything in many ways. So this book is called “Japanese philosophy book”. I agree with it.
Others, there are many stories in this book that will make you nod or ring more strings of your heart especially in this COVID era. Please try to read this, if you like!

NOTE:But on the other hand, if we look at Essays in Idleness from the other side, it looks to agree with to understand anything as we like, depending on each situations. If  the answer came from this idea is not problem for anyone, it would not be problem but if not so, the answer may have tendency to be opportunism or double standards. However, it may be not problem if all of them in that situation have same belief or core of principle. In antient Japan, there was Buddhism as core of principle. But if we look at present Japan, it looks to leave the shape and doesn’t match with today’s social. This phenomenon seems to have started since Meiji era. Then because the core of principle exist or not, apparently there are difference between Japan and the other countries. About this point, I’m going to describe in another time.





最初に古文の授業で徒然草を知って、その内容に共感したからだと思う。特に自然観とか哲学的な部分が好きだった。この文庫本は現代日本語訳が付いてて、読んでいたのはもちろん現代語の方。 😆











徒然草の作者である兼好法師(卜部 兼好/うらべ かねよし)は弘安6年(1283年)ごろから観応元年(1350年)の主に鎌倉時代の人物だと言われており、京都で誕生してから、今の神奈川県の鎌倉や金沢区あたりに長く滞在していました。






